CrossFit Kids is not simply a scaled down version of CrossFit, it’s CrossFit geared and designed for a special population and the specific developmental needs of that population (nuerological, cognitive, motor).
CrossFit Kids is the principal strength and conditioning program for many young athletes and the primary P.E. program for many home schools, charter schools. It is used by athletic teams, martial arts schools and many parents that want their kids to grow up healthy, strong and have a life long love of working out thus avoiding the common problems associated with childhood inactivity and obesity.
[tt_timetable event=’foundations-class,clover-kids-10-or-test-in,boxfit,clover-kids,teens-crossfit,clover-kids-weightlifting,kids-sports-performance,clover-kids-competitors,kids-skills-class’ event_category=’crossfit-kids’ columns=’monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,saturday,sunday’ measure=’0.5′ time_format=’g:i a’ event_layout=’3′ box_bg_color=’97C84A’ box_hover_bg_color=’7ED572′ filter_color=’97C84A’ hide_empty=’1′ disable_event_url=’1′]
Ages 5+ (Split by age/ability)
1 hour class focusing on fitness and fun!
April 8, 2020 2:30pm to 3:30pm
Academy at the Farm 9500 Alex Lange Way, Dade City, FL 33525
Our Clover Kids Summer Program is a fun, energetic environment that infuses education and fitness together to keep academic skills fresh over the summer. Each camp will have 1-2 coaches with an education degree. Each coach is an active teacher with a knowledge base of both educational and CrossFit standards.
Itinerary: 10-10:15am Arrival Activity 10:15-11:15am Group Workout 11:15-11:30am Snack 11:30-12:00 Mini Lesson 12:00-12:20pm Game 12:20-1pm Free Time Indoor/Outdoors
June 10-14 (sold out)
July 15-19 (sold out)
July 29-Aug 2 (sold out)
We will cap the camp experience, so please ensure to register sooner than later. Please e-mail us the sibling you would like to register and we will run with the discount on your behalf. [email protected]
In our system? Simply email us with your preferred week(s) and we will take care of it for you.